Gap Analysis
Registrar Coordination
Documentation Development
Internal Audit
Environmental Scan
Consultant Audit
Maintenance Program
Executive Overview
Cost Reduction
Process Improvement
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A sequential approach to planning your ISO 14000 Environmental Management
System (EMS) is paramount. A successful implementation requires that the formulation of your
environmental policy, identification, and evaluation of aspects and establishment of objectives
and targets must be practiced as an interactive process. It's essential that you establish a
foundation for your company prior to your EMS project kickoff.
ISO14's Environmental Scan service facilitates and limits the time necessary to compare and
contrast regulatory requirements and ISO 14000 conformance criteria. Through our customized
Environmental Scan approach, we will create a comprehensive and integrative program with other
ISO management systems.
Regulatory Review
This review identifies which environmental federal, state, and/or local regulatory requirements
your company may subscribe to and/or may be required to comply with. Health & Safety requirements
may also be included.
Preliminary Aspect Review
Using data gathered in the regulatory review and other sources, a detailed technical preliminary
aspect review and identification will be accomplished. The purpose of the preliminary aspect review
is to identify the potential/actual aspects of your company's activities, products and services,
which can interact with the environment.
Aspect Spreadsheet
Per the preliminary aspect review process, a value added working tool will be created to assist your
company with identifying its significant impacts, and provide guidance to establish and set objectives
and targets. The aspect spreadsheet will ensure observations of implemented corrective preventative
actions are forecasted and scheduled in a proactive manner.
Final Aspect Reviewv
A final aspect review meeting with the ISO management representative and the aspect process owner
will assist you in identifying and finalizing aspects from the preliminary aspect review process.
Environmental Scan Report
Per the above components, a detailed report will be composed and presented at the kickoff/mapping session.
Environmental, Health & Regulatory Compliance and Auditing Training
A three-day course will be presented to your internal auditing team to promote awareness to meet
federal, state, and/or local regulatory training and auditing requirements. Additionally, this
course will complement ISO 14000 training criteria and your efforts toward pollution prevention.
Environmental scan report